Google No Longer Requires Video Descriptions: What It Means for Video SEO

by | May 6, 2023

In recent years, video has become an increasingly important part of digital marketing. As a result, video SEO has become crucial for businesses looking to reach a wider audience. One key aspect of video SEO has been the use of video descriptions in structured data. However, Google has recently made changes to its requirements for video descriptions. This blog post will explore these changes and provide guidance on how to optimize your videos for SEO without video descriptions.

What is structured data?

Structured data is a type of markup language that provides information to search engines about the content on a website. It helps search engines understand the context and meaning of the content, which can improve the website's ranking in search results. Structured data can be used for a variety of content types, including videos.

The role of video descriptions in structured data

Video descriptions have traditionally been an important part of video SEO. They provide information about the content of the video, which helps search engines understand what the video is about. Video descriptions are included in the structured data for the video, which is then used by search engines to rank the video in search results.

Changes to Google's requirements for video descriptions

Google has recently announced that video descriptions are no longer required as part of structured data for videos. This means that websites no longer need to include video descriptions in their structured data in order to improve their video SEO. This change is effective as of May 2023.

Why Google is making this change?

Google has stated that the change is being made to simplify the structured data markup process for video content. By removing the requirement for video descriptions, Google hopes to make it easier for website owners to mark up their video content and improve their video SEO.


How to optimize your videos for SEO without video descriptions

While video descriptions are no longer required for structured data, there are still ways to optimize your videos for SEO. Here are some tips:

  1. Use descriptive and keyword-rich titles for your videos
  2. Include relevant tags and categories for your videos
  3. Add transcripts and closed captions to your videos
  4. Optimize the file name and format of your video
  5. Use schema markup for videos


Best practices for video metadata

Even without video descriptions, video metadata is still important for video SEO. Here are some best practices for video metadata:

  1. Use descriptive and keyword-rich titles for your videos
  2. Include relevant tags and categories for your videos
  3. Add transcripts and closed captions to your videos
  4. Optimize the file name and format of your video: The file name of your video should be descriptive and contain relevant keywords. This can help search engines understand the content of the video and improve your video SEO. Additionally, the format of your video can impact its SEO. Popular formats for SEO include MP4 and WebM. These formats are compatible with most devices and can be optimized for faster load times, which can improve user experience and SEO.
  5.  Use schema markup for videos: Schema markup is a type of structured data that helps search engines understand the content on a website. For videos, schema markup can be used to provide information about the video, such as its title, description, and duration. By including schema markup in your video metadata, you can help search engines better understand your video content and improve your video SEO.



Google's recent change to its requirements for video descriptions in structured data is a significant one for video SEO. However, by following best practices for video metadata and optimizing your videos in other ways, you can still improve your video SEO and reach a wider audience. With the right approach, video can be a powerful tool for digital marketing, and these changes from Google may make it even more accessible to businesses of all sizes.